KNR SYSTEMS Inc.(Robtics Division/RND) has developed Entertainment fields based on hydraulic and robotics technology.
Mid/Large-scale Entertainment Robot
- Development/manufacturing of mid/large-scale entertainment robots using the best solution(hydraulic technology) in domestic/abroad. And We are using the latest AI(deep learning, reinforcements learning) to implement motion of mid/largescale robot
- For various effects of robots, robot software is also provided so that software in the fields of entertainment and performance(lighting, sound) can be utilized.
MTB Simulator
- By combining hydraulic and robotics technology and Virtual Reality technology, we have developed an MTB simulator that implements the same road profile as the outdoor.
VR Simulator
- We have developed a VR simulator that can create a user experience like the real in Virtual Reality using the Hydra-MP series of multi-DOF robot manpulator. |